Oklahoma Correctional Association

The Oklahoma Correctional Association (OCA) is a multidisciplinary organization consisting of correctional professionals, individuals, agencies, and organizations involved in all aspects of the criminal justice system.

The association was created in 1981 as the Oklahoma Criminal Justice Association. In 1982, it affiliated with the American Correctional Association to provide dual membership for its constituents. This affiliation gave the organization opportunity to become an advocate for issues of local and state importance while having strong support from a national organization whose roots date back to 1870, and it led to a revitalization in 1987 when the organization was renamed the Oklahoma Correctional Association. It is the mission of the OCA to provide its membership with the educational benefits of national and state conferences and workshops as well as exposure to fellowship and networking opportunities with other professionals in all aspects of the criminal justice profession.

Our Mission:

It is the mission of the OCA to provide its membership with the educational benefits of national and state conferences and workshops as well as exposure to fellowship and networking opportunities with other professionals in all aspects of the criminal justice profession.

OCA Seeks Scholarship Applications


2024 OCA Conference